About our Program
Bring biotechnology out of the laboratory and into the classroom with all-new high school curriculum and Professional Learning tools. These ready-to-use resources are aligned to industry and education standards and are designed to help every teacher and student embrace their own biotech community.

Our Mission
Join us as we deepen student understanding of the full product development life cycle and maximize student exposure to biotech industry trends, practical applications of biotech skills and concepts, career paths, and industry professionals. Inspire the next generation of biotech professionals to build a healthier future.

Our Guiding Principles
Immersing students in real science and authentic career learning helps nurture collaborative, creative, and compassionate classrooms. We are committed to giving every student a doorway to the exciting careers of tomorrow by exploring the ways biotechnology breakthroughs are changing the world around us.
Futurelab+ is designed to equip educators with strategies to engage students from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. Instructional materials are framed to engage students with quality, equitable, and liberating educational experiences that validates and affirms student identity.
Our curriculum maximizes student and teacher exposure to the cutting-edge world of biotech. Introduce students to industry professionals, explore industry trends, and practice applying skills and concepts via coaching support from real-world industry professionals.
With Professional Learning tools designed by teachers for teachers, we aim to equip educators with everything they need to become biotech ambassadors in school and help make the biotechnology pathway accessible to all students.
Our resources are all designed to meet education and industry standards, focusing on in-demand skills needed across the full product development life cycle. We are dedicated to the goal of allowing students who complete this curriculum to earn dual enrollment credit from a partnering community college.
Program Offerings
Dive into interactive digital learning resources that inspire students and teachers to investigate problems locally and globally using relevant technical skills in biotech.

College and Career Readiness

Biotech in the Classroom