Behind the Scenes of Scientific Breakthroughs
How can we use biotechnology to increase longevity and improve the quality of life for an aging population, while possibly extending the
lifespan of humans?

At a Glance
- Explore the idea of increasing the human lifespan, then examine scientific breakthroughs and careers that advance human health goals.
- ¼ School Year
- 55 Days
- 3 Flex Days Built In
- 45-minute Classes
- Standards Aligned
- Guiding Question
- Engineering Design Process
- Project Based
- 9 Lessons with Lab Elements
- 1 Core Lab
- 1 Final Project
Lesson Plans, Labs and Student Capture Sheets
This unit includes lesson plans, labs, a student interactive and student capture sheets that empower educators to engage all students. This lesson bundle can be downloaded for use in the classroom.
Complete UnitZIP, 16.7 MB
Behind the Scenes of Scientific Breakthroughs
Students work in teams to create an interactive job board that seeks to add team members to the development and implementation of a scientific breakthrough in the areas of human aging.
Lesson 1
Cellular Aging
5 classes
Can science increase the longevity of a cell? Explore the cellular hallmarks of aging and the role that DNA plays in the process through research, sharing information, and modeling.
Lesson 2
Genetic Sequencing
5 classes
How can information discovered from genomic sequencing be used to prolong life? Examine how technology is used to sequence a human genome and the health disparities and ethical questions created by this technology.
Lesson 3
The Human Genome Project
5 classes
Will a better understanding of the human genome structure help us increase lifespan or even live forever? Investigate the genome and proteome and how modifying the DNA sequence can affect protein function.
Lesson 4
Can an Organism Have No Parents?
5 classes
Could we start synthesizing better versions of genes and should we? Explore how the creation of synthetic DNA in the laboratory could be used to alter traits, treat disease, and create ethical dilemmas.
Lesson 5
Bioengineering of Organisms
5 classes
How are GMOs affecting society and evolution? Review genetic modification techniques and consider how GMO's can be used for the benefit of human health.
Lesson 6
Bioengineering of Plants
5 classes
How are genetically modified plants made and used? Examine the process of creating genetically modified plants and how these GMOs could be utilized to improve human health and lifespan.
Lesson 7
Therapeutic Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cells
5 classes
How can the use of therapeutic cloning and embryonic stem cells improve human health? What are the most prevalent chronic diseases in society? Explain the various types of stem cells and the technology used in reproductive and therapeutic cloning.
Longevity Markers: How are you so old?
5 classes
How can we detect unique genome features of humans who live the longest? Model the steps that may be conducted in a Genome-Wide Association Studies study of longevity.
Lesson 8
Senolytics: Our War Against Aging!
5 classes
How can we improve the quality of life for the aging population? Build models that show the causes of cell senesence and how senolytic drugs can be used to benefit human health on a cellular level.
Lesson 9
Ethical Considerations and Longevity
7 classes
How does the study of bioethics contribute to the advancement of bio-medical research and practices? Analyze common drug delivery mechanisms and emerging techniques by reviewing technologies.