Genetic Detectives: Investigating Inherited Diseases
How do you counsel a patient on their risk of genetic disease while considering their health literacy?

UNIT 2 At a Glance
- Students take on the role of a genetic counselor in order to examine inherited diseases.
- 6 week Unit
- 45 minute classes
- Built in flex days
- Standards Aligned
- Driving Question
- Engineering Design Process
- Project-based
- 1 Project Based Introduction
- 6 Core Lessons & Labs
- 6 Class Presentations
- 1 Student Project-based solution
Lesson Plans, Labs and Student Capture Sheets
This unit includes lesson plans, labs, student capture sheets and presentations that empower educators to engage all students. These lesson bundles can be downloaded, for the use in the classroom.
Complete UnitZIP, 53.5 MB
Living Earth
Genetic Detectives: Investigating Inherited Diseases Intro
Pre-class prep
How can data help us prevent and control diseases? You will take on the role of a genetic counselor tasked with preparing a pivotal communication.
Lesson 1
Living Earth
Inherited Diseases
5 classes
What is the difference between a genetic and inherited disease? Students collaborate, research and present their findings on the nature of disease.
Lesson 2
Living Earth
6 classes
How are genes passed from parents to their offspring? Students determine offspring genotype and phenotype in order to discover how traits are inherited.
Lesson 3
Living Earth
Genetic Mutations
6 classes
1 lab
How do genetic counselors help patients understand how to navigate the complex clinical information? Students act as genetic counselors by developing a genetic test report, for a selected patient profile.
Lesson 4
Living Earth
Treating Inherited Disease
6 classes
How can inherited diseases be prevented or treated? Students conduct research on reactionary and preventive treatment for inherited diseases, and learn about the ethical dilemmas surrounding gene editing.
Lesson 5
Living Earth
Communicating a Genetic Test Report
5 classes
How do genetic counselors communicate with patients that may have an inherited disease? Students act as genetic counselors by delivering a genetic test report, for a selected patient profile.
Lesson 6
Living Earth
Genetic Counseling
6 classes
How do we communicate complex genetic information clearly, concisely and logically? Students refine their research in order to effectively communicate technical information to a patient, regardless of their health literacy.
Design Journal
Living Earth
Genetic Detectives: Investigating Inherited Diseases
6 weeks
How can students use the engineering design process to develop a project solution? Students reflect on their learning throughout the unit and work together to communicate their genetic disease finding to the patient.